Gallery, View record [ Brick ID: 1740 , Artist ID: 1046 ]
Brick Auction Year 2011 
Brick Number 324 
Artist Full Name Anonymous 
Title What's Inside 
Artist Short Bio The artist chooses not to be identified. The reasons are many, however the artist realizes that we all have the qualities represented in the piece, no matter if we choose to see it or not.  
Inspiration The inspiration was knowing that it is the hidden qualities in every individual that makes it possible to fight the battles with cancer. A few include strength, happiness, and courage. When you open the piece, it reveals a select few of the qualities (They can also be interchanged with a few others provided.) I welcome you to think of other characteristics, and remember all the things we have inside. 

Artist's Bio

10th Annual Breast Cancer Brick Auction

Sunday October 30th, 2010

2-5 p.m.

Cintas Center
at Xavier University
Cincinnati, Ohio 45207 